7 Ways to Remove Gorilla Glue From Ceramic

Gorilla glue is a strong adhesive that can be used for all sorts of projects, but it’s not always easy to remove. In this article, we will discuss 7 different ways to remove gorilla glue from ceramic and remove the residue once the glue has dried.

The first thing you should do is make sure that your project or surface is completely dry before applying any sort of cleaning solution. Then choose a way and follow our detailed steps below:

If you want to get rid of gorilla glue quickly, you can choose one of the following products:

Some ways to remove gorilla glue from ceramic

1. Baking soda and vinegar

To remove the gorilla glue, mix some baking soda and vinegar into a paste. Apply it to your ceramic surface or object with an old toothbrush until you see all of the dried glue begin to dissolve off of your project.

Remove Gorilla Glue From Ceramic 1

Once everything is fully dissolved, remove any remaining residue by wiping it down with warm water on a paper towel or cloth

A couple of tips before moving onto other ways how to remove gorilla glue from ceramic: Use this mixture sparingly as it can damage certain types of ceramics if applied for too long. If you need something more gentle but just as effective, try making lemon juice instead!

2. Acetone and Rubbing alcohol

Acetone and rubbing alcohol are both very effective at removing glue from ceramic surfaces. After you remove the excess gorilla glue, wipe it down with a little bit of acetone or rubbing alcohol to remove any residue left behind.

Rubbing your object gently between two fingers until all of the dried adhesive has been rubbed away.

Acetone and Rubbing alcohol

Tips before moving onto other ways how to remove gorilla glue from ceramic:

  • Alcohol is great for removing super sticky substances but it can damage your project if applied too long or too roughly!
  • Be sure not to use this method on delicate ceramics unless absolutely necessary since it can warp them over time by drying out their structure. Use sparingly and work carefully!

3. Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly is actually the most effective way to remove dried glue from ceramic surfaces.

Apply a layer of it over your project and then let sit for about an hour before wiping down with warm water on a clean cloth. If any residue remains, try working in another thin coat until fully removed!

  • Make sure that you have covered every part of your object or surface because petroleum jelly can leave behind stains if left untreated!
  • Use this method only when necessary as well since using too much will attract dirt and dust particles which might cause damage later down the road.
  • Work carefully so you don’t spend more time cleaning up afterwards than you did applying it in the first place

4.Water and dish soap

Dish soap is great for removing glue from ceramic surfaces because it can remove almost anything.

Apply a layer of dish soap to your project and let sit until the gorilla glue is fully dissolved before wiping down with warm water on a clean cloth or paper towel!

Water and dish soap

You might also want to use this method sparingly if you’re working with any type of object that has been glazed over since the citrus acids in lemon juice could react poorly with certain chemicals used during the process.

5. Paint thinner or turpentine 

Paint thinner or turpentine are both effective at removing glue from ceramic surfaces.

Apply a layer of it to your project and let sit until the adhesive is dissolved before wiping down with warm water on a clean cloth or paper towel!

6. Use heat or cool temperature then scrape the glue stain off with a plastic spatula

Use heat or cool temperature then scrape the glue stain off with a plastic spatula is the most effective way to remove dried gorilla glue from ceramic.

Put the residue under the ice pack or blow it with hair spray. When you feel it harden or melt enough, scrape it off with some tools (scraper, plastic spatula…) or with your fingers.

7. Lemon juice

If you need something more gentle, try using lemon juice instead of other methods since it acts as an effective solvent without being harsh on most types of ceramics.

The acidity in lemons helps break down adhesives much like the acetone mentioned above so this method can be used safely on delicate ceramics too without worrying about warping them over time.

Put lemon slices on top of your object and leave it for about an hour, then scrub with baking soda until all residue is gone. Use warm water or vinegar if necessary before drying off thoroughly!


We hope we were able to help you with these methods and that next time your gorilla glue spills, you’ll be prepared. Gorilla glue is a great adhesive but can leave quite the mess if not handled properly. If you have any questions about this blog post or anything else related to our services, please don’t hesitate to leave comments down below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What dissolves Gorilla Glue?

Gorilla Glue is dissolved with acetone.
The solvent acetone has been found to dissolve clear GORILLA GLUE by dissolving the glue’s flexible polymer plastic chain-molecules; this principle follows below for a general discussion of why solvents work (or don’t work) on different substances. It was discovered that acetone bubbles into the cyanoacrylate adhesive when applied, and then separates the long, unbound polymers from one another — thus breaking its bond. In other words, an acid/base interaction is sometimes called “dissociation”.

How do you remove old glue from porcelain?

The first suggestion is to let the glue dry overnight. If that doesn’t work, try rubbing the glue off with oily substances like oil soap or cooking oil. Be warned that this process may be difficult because it will leave residue on the porcelain even if you succeed in removing all of the original glue.
If you still have failed to remove all residual traces of old adhesive from your porcelain, there are a few options available to clean up the stubborn residue, like consider using poultice or restoration materials designed for cleaning stubborn stains or adhesive.

Will Goo Gone remove Gorilla glue?

To dissolve dried Gorilla glue, mix it with a solution of acetone and water. The mixture should be around 50% water and 50% acetone, to begin with, then add more water as necessary to make the solution pourable.
One popular technique uses detergent to dissolve the excess particles that accumulate during drying. This can take a few hours depending on the adhesive’s type and its thickness. Another common technique is immersing the resin-based glue in warm or boiling water once again, which will often result in an easier removal process than when using room temperature.

How do you get dried glue off ceramic?

Wash the surface with water, try using some methylated spirits on a cloth. If it doesn’t come off after that, you may need to use dishwashing detergent (bubble up).
The key is to make sure there is no leftover residue on the surface of the pottery. The trick with fabric glue is that some leftover will always be embedded in the pores of earthenware pots; this cannot be removed without commercial solvents (or some expensive scrubbing beeswax). If you want to rule out any risk of scratching or damaging your item, clean whilst still safe from contact which can be accomplished by way of soft rags and perhaps an old toothbrush.

What glue is best for ceramics?

Glue is an important and critical component in any ceramic. Without glue, your pottery piece will not hold together and it will chip very easily.
There are a number of glues on the market today that you might use depending on the specifics of what you’re making and how much money you want to spend. For instance, Tacky Glue is one of the most inexpensive adhesives available for ceramics with a cost per ounce as low as $1.69 per ounce, but this adhesive can be toxic so it’s best-suited for those working with clay only. E6000 is another popular option that will run you about $2-$5 per ounce (depending on where and when you buy)

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