How To Glue Metal To Granite? All You Should Know

Granite is among the most widely used stone types for flooring, countertops, and construction surfaces.

Perhaps you should use metal trim, screws, or bolts to anchor your stone. Can you glue metal to granite? Yes!

However, you can’t use regular construction glue due to the various hardnesses of the metal and stone.

How to glue metal to granite? This post will help you learn a detailed guide on using the best glue for bonding the two materials.

Let’s check it out!

How to glue metal to granite

Things You’ll Need

Preparing all the essential materials and tools before conducting your project is best. Here are what you will need:

  • Glue
  • A mask
  • Protective gear

Before selecting the best glue for these materials, you must know the type of stone and metal you plan to attach.

What to use to glue metal to granite? Consider the following types of adhesives and pick the most suitable option for your materials.


Epoxy glue

Epoxy is extremely helpful for attaching many kinds of metal. It is among chemically reactive liquids that don’t compress or expand.

This adhesive has appeared since 1970. However, the first purpose was not for adhering to granite.

Epoxy works well for bonding metal to stone and is frequently as durable as granite’s quartz grains. The grouting lines will solidify, resulting in a firm bond.

However, once you hear metal thudding on the stone, it’s the best time for a different kind of glue.

Polyester Resin

The second option for adhesive attaching metal to stone is a polyester resin. Although it could be hard to get locally, it is available in several states.

If finding polyester resin is challenging in your region, it’s a good idea to search for it on online shopping sites.

This option is a suitable option when connecting metal to stone. It adheres effectively to many metal types.

The adhesive’s distribution pattern has an impact on the bonding effectiveness.

If bolts or fasteners are present, the grouting lines between the grains are vulnerable.

The connection between metal and granite will endure for at least two years if you apply polyester resin.

Cyanoacrylates (CA) & Epoxy


You can also use a mixture of Cyanoacrylates (CA) and epoxy to attach metal to stone.

This mixture provides more assurance that there will be no metal motion and will endure just as long as polyester or epoxy resin.

Some experts advise using this mixture to guarantee that metal won’t shift due to the physical force used to bind it with wooden bolts or screws.

How To Glue Metal To Granite: Step-By-Step Instructions

After selecting the suitable adhesive for your project, it’s best to solve the question: how to attach metal to granite?

Follow the steps below to increase the bond:

Step 1: Clean The Stone Surface

Before spreading the adhesive, it is crucial to clean the stone surface. You should remove any dirt, dust, and other debris.

If you don’t prepare the stone surface carefully for attaching, it may be challenging to adhere metal to it.

To thoroughly clean this surface, you can apply a professional cleaner or a 1:5 vinegar-to-water solution.

Clean the surface

Step 2: Consider Guidelines And Safety

You must adhere to basic safety standards and recommendations to keep your stone in good shape.

Before adding adhesive to the materials, you must take out anything metallic or containing metal.

A magnet is an excellent way to check whether that surface is metal-free.

Polyester and epoxy contain vapors and solvents, so you must perform the task in well-ventilated places to avoid respiratory issues.

Otherwise, you must wear a mask to protect yourself from suffering lung diseases from the glue fumes.

Be careful when applying these adhesives. They may get into the eyes or cling to the skin if careless.

If adhesive gets into your eyes, it’s best to seek medical help. In the second case, use soapy water to wash it until you remove all glue traces.

If you want more tips to treat skin glue, you can watch this video:

Step 3: Mix The Adhesives

On a level surface, combine equal amounts of epoxy and CA glue. Avoid mixing these adhesives in the containers you utilize for binding.

After each usage, clean the blending container completely with acetone or alcohol if you use polyester resin or epoxy.

Mix the adhesives

Step 4: Apply The Glue

Ensure the stone’s surface is flat to attach metal with adhesive. Put the glue on the metal surface and spread it out directly.

It’s advisable to press down the metal for some minutes to ensure it’s covered and all the gaps are filled.

Avoid using silica crystals, as they can destroy the granite surface. If the screws or bolts protrude, grind them until they are as flat as the granite.

Before you clean these items, allow enough time for them to dry, more than 8 hours.

Moreover, cover these things with lacquer before using them. For the area you put the adhesive, it’s best to cover them with plastic wrap.

Step 5: Wait Until The Items Completely Dry

Wait for at least 8 hours before using these items. You may accelerate the drying procedure with a hairdryer.


What Kind Of Glue Will Stick To Granite?

It’s Epoxy! It is one of the few kinds of adhesive creating a connection as powerful as the stones.

Does Gorilla Glue Work On Metal To Stone?

The short answer is yes! This adhesive can attach various materials, including stones and metals.

What Is The Best Epoxy For Granite?

Here are the best Epoxy glues for granite you can consider
– LamLock RocketGel
– Loctite Epoxy
– Gorilla 2 Part Epoxy

The Bottom Line

It is not extremely difficult to attach metal to granite as long as you select the suitable adhesive and apply the proper techniques.

Hopefully, you will be successful with our all-inclusive instructions. If you have further questions, please feel free to comment below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

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