Gorilla Glue is a popular adhesive that has many uses. It is often used for arts and crafts, but it can also be found in some household items like furniture. Unfortunately, the glue doesn’t always come off of the skin so easily. If you are looking to remove gorilla glue from skin here are 7 tips to remove this adhesive from your body!
How to remove gorilla glue from skin
1. Wash area with soap and water
Use a liquefied dish soap mixture on the skin, remove as much of the glue with a scraper, then wash off again with a soapy rinse in warm water.
Rinse your hand in cold water for about three minutes after washing it off to prevent irritation or redness caused by heat transfer. Be sure not to scrub too hard!

If you are looking for more ways to remove gorilla glue from your skin, please read on below!
2. Use acetone or nail polish remover to break down the glue on skin
If you have an adhesive remover that contains acetone like nail polish remover, apply acetone solution liberally with cotton balls onto clear gorilla glue residue then wipe clean with a paper towel or scraper. Repeat until all remnants are gone.
Be careful when using acetone and nail polish remover as they can cause serious burns on sensitive areas or open wounds so make sure you are being cautious!

3. Try using rubbing alcohol or diluted bleach solution to remove it
The other option is a solvent like rubbing alcohol, which removes wet adhesives quickly without damaging skin tissue.
Dissolve two tablespoons of rubbing alcohol in a quart of water, place on the skin, and rub with fingers or scrubber sponge to remove residue. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.
You can also remove gorilla glue from the skin by diluting a bleach solution and applying it to the area. Wait about 15 minutes before scrubbing away with soap and water.
Again, be very careful not to get any of these liquids in cuts or scrapes because they will sting!

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7 Great Tips to Remove Gorilla Glue from Skin
4. Apply a mixture of baking soda and water
Another tip that may be helpful is to apply a mixture of baking soda and water with one-inch squares for smaller patches to remove gorilla glue effectively. The towel will remove anything that is left behind on top of your skin while absorbing any moisture leftover in order to avoid irritation or burns caused by heat transfer due to too much rubbing back and forth after applying pressure.
Take caution when using this technique as you could potentially get an abrasion if there are sharp edges underneath the dried glue.

5. Apply petroleum jelly
Another way is using petroleum jelly as an alternative method for removing gorilla glue from your body. Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to the area where you want to remove the glue and let it sit for about 15 minutes before rubbing off any excess with your fingers or gloves.
This technique may not remove all of the glue for harsh cases but can help reduce sensitivity or allergic reactions that come from using other techniques to remove gorilla glue from skin.

6. Use a bit of oil like cooking oil or baby oil to get rid of any remaining glue
If you are looking for a more natural solution, use vegetable oil or cooking oil to remove the glue (It’s more readily available in your household)
The best place to apply this product is by massaging it into the skin where you have been glued together or onto areas that are difficult to reach such as between fingers or toes (or even other sensitive parts). Once the oils have soaked input on some gloves before attempting to remove any excess with a paper towel. Rinse off with warm soapy water afterward.

7. Try vinegar or lemon juice!
Vinegar or lemon juice is acidic so it will break down the adhesive properties of Gorilla Glue and make it easier to remove it from the skin.
Whichever one you choose, apply to the skin with a paper towel or cotton ball and wait about 15 minutes before scrubbing away any leftover residue.
Be careful not to get either of these acidic liquids in cuts or scrapes as they will sting!

Useful tips to avoid sticking Gorilla Glue on skin
- Wear gloves when handling gorilla glue.
- Keep gorilla glue away from skin and clothing by covering it with paper or plastic wrap.
- If you do get gorilla glue on your hands, treat them as soon as possible with the methods we list above.
Some tips while removing gorilla glue from your skin
- When using water make sure that it is not too hot because this could actually cause more irritation.
- Apply a lotion such as coconut oil which will help loosen up the gorilla glue before trying anything else.
- To get rid of leftover gorilla glue use baby wipes or alcohol (the type in hand sanitizers). Alcohol works best if you want to speed up the process but remember it may also cause irritation.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you get Gorilla Glue off your skin without acetone?
Glue on skin can be removed with oil, dish soap, or clay. Modifiers like bacon grease and olive oil release the glue from your skin. Dish soap removes the glue from the clothing. Clay is effective, but it may rip at fragile fabrics.
Is Gorilla Glue on skin dangerous?
The FDA is requiring a warning labeling on the container stating that Gorilla Glue can cause skin damage when coming in contact with it. Contact with Gorilla Glue may result in redness, swelling, and blistering of the skin or lasting numbness. The affected area of your body should be monitored closely for signs of worsening irritation or injury. Any continued use of this product should be determined by how the condition improves over time.
Glues are often too strong for irritated or sensitive skin because they usually have high levels of toxic solvents which are hard on overly dry, raw skins, and other tissue in people who already have impaired moisture levels (ionic lipid production). Touch glue contains latex as an allergen, can cause a severe allergic reaction.
Will rubbing alcohol remove Gorilla Glue?
In short, yes.
Gorilla Glue is a two-part epoxy that’s completely solvent resistant, meaning rubbing alcohol and other solvents will not affect it. The best way to remove Gorilla Glue is with a product called Goof Off Professional Strength Remover or any other similar product made for this purpose.
- Be sure not to touch your eyes after removing gorilla glue from your hands so you do not accidentally spread the substance into them.
- Keep an eye out for signs of infection (redness, swelling) and seek medical attention if necessary.
- If none of these steps work, contact your doctor right away as you may need medical attention.